Thursday, April 28, 2011
UPDATE on last to know...
Dear Karen,
Thought you want to know that the Red Bamboo received a 3rd place award in the group category at the Empire Guild 2011 show in New York City. It was the first quilt hanging when you entered the show. You did a beautiful job quilting it. Will also send a shot of the other quilt entered in the show. I can't wait to hang it in my house. The quilting was exactly the look I wanted. Thanks again. Susan
Congratulations again to Susan! And also to all of the winners of that show - click here for a link to see ALL the winners.
It seems that some people were extrememly disturbed by my post of April 7 (click here to reread). I am not apologizing if it bothered you - I am telling it like it is... there is a big problem with not informing longarmers of shows and/or wins. There is an ever bigger problem with not even naming longarmers, this is NOT the case with the post in discussion. It is a team effort, no doubt about it. The quilting should ALWAYS emphasize the piecing and help to tell a story or create a motif/theme, not just tack the quilt together. From my own experience and reading many critiques the quilting of the quilt top is as important as fabric choices, piecing styles, etc. So YES, all longarmers (machine quilters) should be given the opportunity to know about the shows and even read the critiques if they mention anything about the quilting. My post was NEVER intended to bash anyone, nor did I think it read that way. It was more of an informative post on this ever-growing problem.
Monday, April 18, 2011
My son thinks I'm amazing...
Anyway, here is the video, it is on my YouTube channel KarMarchetti
Saturday, April 16, 2011
MQX East 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Always the last to know...

Her red quilt, "Bamboo" (pictured to the left) took Third Place in the Group Quilts category at the Empire Quilt Show in New York. Congratulations to her, and me too. Also congratulations to John -- he took First Place in Group Quilts category!
So... no, I didn't hear from the customer, not a call, not a letter, not even a facebook or blog comment, nothing. This is one of the bad points of being a longarmer -- you don't always hear of the glory of a quilt that you quilted, the compliments, praises, and judging critiques. But, even worse than all of that, is not to be listed as the quilter at all... that is the worst! That was not the case with Susan, she did list me as the quilter.
So to sum this one up, if you use a longarmer and the quilt is in a show, let the longarmer know, whether it takes a ribbon or not-- it's just nice to know!