I SHARE INFORMATION... A LOT. I share words, pictures, thoughts, ideas, mistakes, life, and love... it's what I do. Some people do not appreciate that I share, they have stated in the past that "I share too much". Is this even possible? In today's technological advanced society, really, how is it possible, one-click sharing to any social media, blogging, facebook, tweets, emails, text messages, phone calls, the old-fashioned snail mail, and even, the unbelievable spoken word? Is it possible to share too much? I truly don't believe than anyone can share too much. HONESTLY, I feel the people that think this are actually "over-absorbers". Yes, think about it -- some of the same people that state I am an over-sharer also claim to read multiple blogs, from other over-sharers, along with all the latest and greatest news, magazines, ads, etc. So, no I am not an over-sharer, you are an over-absorber! Besides, if it weren't for people "sharing" what good would the great world wide web be? We would all be stuck in our own little worlds not learning, not expanding, not growing, just there, being boring. The original over-sharer, the library, where you used to have to drive to and research and hope that the book would be there so that you could! Wow, thank goodness we have grown!
A long, long, time ago (way before the internet), someone told me that if you can't share what you do, what you do is absolutely unimportant. These words have stuck with me... it is so true, and it is something that has remained close to my heart and I will continue to share, forever! So here is a Thank You to all of my peeps, I love all of you over-absorbers!!!
Yes, more thoughts and posts on sharing are bound to follow... yep! PLEASE, add any and ALL comments... a lot of people need to hear them!