Saturday, March 19, 2011 is National Quilting Day and to celebrate this, the JaM Patch is featuring Quilting Stars in Our Backyard. Apparently I'm a star and I just happen to live in their backyard -- isn't that so cool!
Make sure that you're there at 2:00pm as I'll be giving a trunk show featuring none other than "Oliver", "Clouds in My Latte" (my latest competition quilt), and many more of my quilts - both show and everyday. I'll even be bringing a couple of customer quilts that are just absolutely amazing. On top of all that I'll be bringing multiple samples, just small pieces of fabric that I use to play with new stitches and try out new threads. The best part is that it will be an open forum -- questions and talking are not only welcomed, but are appreciated -- we all learn from each other!
Don't forget to save the date -- Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 2:00 pm at the JaM Patch, 932 SE Central Parkway, Stuart, FL 34997