Here's the second (and final) Award Ribbon prototype for the PSL Crazy Quilters 2010 show. I still have two more changes to make, but they are not crucial to the final idea. The tails will be made out of ribbons (of course) -- this was constructed at 6am and I wasn't about to run out for white ribbon! And also, I'm thinking multi-color rickrack around the logo square instead of the not-so-neat blanket stitch. Anyway, let me know what you think. All the ribbons will be the same, except the color of the main square will be the proper placement color, i.e., blue-first, red-second, yellow-third, and so on. The Best of Show ribbon will also be similar, it will just have more folds and layers. And the "Member Challenge" ribbons are almost done -- similar to these but a little different, just solid white. They were easiest -- only three of them! There are 55 main ribbons, and then 3 for the member challenge for a grand total of 58 ribbons! Now I need to figure out my fabric and ribbon supply needs so I can run out to the store this weekend for all the goodies. I'll be working on these next week while my Mom is here visiting. Maybe she'll want to help? Help, what a silly word... LOL!!