On top of all that... I rented a booth for the 2010 show. Some of you already know... in February I will be debuting my own whole cloth pattern line. Yes, apparently I am completely nuts. In addition to my already crazy life, I have decided to go and add creating and making patterns! I have a few already, but... yep I did say BUT... I still need to turn what's in my head into actual patterns -- it's like translating psycho-babble!
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot... I need to get my member challenge from the great idea that's in my head onto a piece of fabric!
And in addition to all that, I still have my business and everyday life to contend with. Now, I am not really complaining, I love every minute of this, I'm just venting so I don't scare myself into thinking I'm too busy to do anything! Sorry, we cannot have brain shutdown right now!
Anyway, happy "wordful" wednesday!